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Instructor Supported: Using Formative Assessment to Shape Instruction

PDPs: Participants earn a certificate of completion for 12 hours of professional development. Course Description This course will increase your capacity to implement formative assessments and use the resulting data to inform your instruction. You will explore formative assessment delivery options that facilitate immediate, targeted,… Read More »Instructor Supported: Using Formative Assessment to Shape Instruction

Instructor-Supported: Introduction to Phenomena-Driven Instruction

PDPs: Participants earn a certificate of completion for 12 hours of professional development. Course Description This course will introduce the key concepts of phenomena-driven instruction and give participants the knowledge they need to select effective phenomena for classroom use and design lessons and units driven… Read More »Instructor-Supported: Introduction to Phenomena-Driven Instruction

Increase Student Engagement, Decrease Teacher Workload

This 5 hours course will increase your capacity to establish classroom routines that increase student agency and ownership of their learning.  First, dive into the why, what, and how classroom routines contribute to a healthy environment that builds a sense of belonging for all students.… Read More »Increase Student Engagement, Decrease Teacher Workload