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Instructor-Supported: Introduction to Phenomena-Driven Instruction

Current Status
Not Enrolled
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Approved Course for Accelerating Science: Open Access Professional Learning (OAPL). Eligible Massachusetts educators may take this course at no cost. Visit OAPL website to learn more.

OAPL funding for this course has ended. The next cohort will begin September 2024, dates TBD.

PDPs: Participants earn a certificate of completion for 12 hours of professional development.

Course Description

This course will introduce the key concepts of phenomena-driven instruction and give participants the knowledge they need to select effective phenomena for classroom use and design lessons and units driven by these phenomena. A variety of materials that increase participants’ knowledge of the theory and practice of using high-quality phenomena to drive instruction will be provided. We will dig into the why, what, and how of phenomena-driven instruction and learn how it creates a more equitable and accessible learning environment for all students. Throughout the course, there will be multiple opportunities for all teachers from K-12 to explore and experience phenomena-driven instruction and collaborate with colleagues to identify high-quality phenomena and problems, redesign a current lesson, and develop a new phenomena-driven unit. 

This hybrid course is designed to be completed in 3 weeks with rolling enrollment.

Time Commitment:

  • 3 hours/week asynchronous work
  • Attend two 1-hour Zoom community of practice meetings

Go at your own pace.

Attend weekly meetings for collaboration and feedback.

email [email protected] for more information